Keeping Baby Girl safe in the pool, with SwimWays {#SwimWays}
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“I participated in an Ambassador Program on behalf of Influence Central for SwimWays. I received product samples to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for my participation.”
There’s no better way to kick off the summer than with a pool party.
And when it’s with a few families from our local MOPS group, then that just makes it all the more fun!
Keeping Baby Girl safe in the pool, with SwimWays {#SwimWays}
Being Baby Girl’s first time in a pool, I was excited to see how she would react especially since she loves anything to do with water. And being the overcautious Mama that I am, I had to see her wear arm floats before placing her in her Swimways Baby Spring Float. (Even though the float is more than sufficient to keep a beginning swimmer afloat.)
In a way, it was helpful as she kept wanting to bounce from Daddy’s arms to her giraffe float, or the baby blue/green float when her friends weren’t using the same.
Both floats were shared between her little friends, more Mr. Giraffe, as all the kids loved playing with his head while floating along.
Thankfully the weather was beautiful and there was a light summer breeze blowing so we didn’t need to use the sun canopies on either.
One of Baby Girl’s little buddies did use hers though and yes, her parents made sure they invested in a Swimways float for the pool party too.
We didn’t carry along our adult floats as the pool isn’t all the big and this was to be a party with several little ones who would be using the Baby Spring Floats that are quite big themselves.
The kids were also tickled to watch Molly doggy paddle in the pool. (Yes, my kids have named their swimming aids!)
Baby Girl held onto her for most of the party and even later, toddled around with Molly, watching her tail spin!
Little Man and Dottie had just as much fun in the pool.
Little Man was initially a little unsure of himself so we allowed him to take his time getting comfortable. About 15 minutes into being in the pool, he began to relax a little more and have fun.
(I think the squiggle squirter helped a great deal too.
Plus it was a great way for him to make friends with the kids he didn’t know as everyone knows, wherever there’s a water squirter, kids will flock around! (The next time we hit the pool I need to remember to take his Sea Squirt vest. It totally slipped my mind as I was so focused on trying to put together stuff for the little ones to use.)
Till my younger two learn to swim we will be carrying our Swimways floats to the pool, for sure.
If you’re looking for floats and swim vests for your child, I highly recommend checking these out.
Knowing that your purchase helps support Swimways be a corporate sponsor for Operation Smile, makes that purchase all the more worthwhile.
This is a great idea! I would love this for my littlest one. He is a bit freaked out of pools so this would be a great way to keep him in the pool with us, but also feel safe. Mama would feel a bit better too!
Those are so cute. I like how wide they are. We used to have a little boat that their feet went through the bottom but it wasn’t as wide as these.
That is some contraption–glad to see you are also using arm bands. The sooner they learn to float on their backs and to swim the better!
That is so cute! She’s 1,000% safe. She’s got floaties on while sitting IN a floaty. I love it!
These are cute swimming aids!! I had not heard of this company before sounds great!
What great way to spend the day, a pool party with kids! The giraffe floaty looks so cute and she’s got arm floaties too!
I want a giraffe float boat in adult size. That would be so much fun! Although, if they made one adult size it would probably take up half of my pool.
It’s so important to have good swim aids for little ones… you can’t take your eyes off of them in or near water, but it is a little more peace of mind for us parents when they have floaties…. and floatys 🙂
It is great that Swimways is a corporate sponsor for Operation Smile, I love brands that give back!
These are great! Pools always make me so nervous but I hate to take away something so fun but this is the perfect way to stay safe and cal my nerves at the same time…LOL
Good info – it is so important to be safe around water. I live on a lake and it is shocking how many people drown each year.
That’s a great idea. My girls are still a little afraid of the water. This will get them started.
This would have been perfect when my girls were little. They loved to float in the water and this looks perfect.
That looks like a great little floatation device. I probably would do the same with the arm floaties! We start summer swim lessons tomorrow. I’m hoping my three year old can grasp it.
Aw, it’s adorable. I love that it looks like a giraffe. Children love getting in pools!
My sons are taking swimming lessons this year…we are getting there!
I’m the one in need of floats and swim vests. I still haven’t learned how to swim.
I hope to take the kids swimming this fall. I need to buy my youngest some floaties.
I remember when I was raising my two boys, they best they had were life vests and they were terrible! I just love that there are so many more safe options available now 🙂
That looks like a really great flotation device. My son would love that!
This is so cool! It’s amazing how much cool stuff they have for kids now as opposed to what I had when I was a kid.
My 5 year old has been swimming for years already but I will have to check out their products for my 6 month old!
Looks like a fun time! Kiddo has always been a fan of the water, even when she was younger. She’s like a fish. lol
My girl loves to splash around in the pool! We’re working on learning how to swim, though!
Marina, this is great! Swimming was the one thing all of our boys learned to do a little late, partly because the water made me a so nervous with little ones. Love this product, cute and safe! And I would buy it just by knowing proceeds will go to Operation Smile! We donated a smile this summer, makes such a difference for these little ones that might not otherwise have the opportunity to have such a surgery.
These are awesome! When my kids start getting in the water as little ones, I have used similar floats. I love the water toys. My kids would love these.
Water safety is a MUST! My younger kids started out with vests and floaties. A little piece of mind is nice.
This is great! I used items like this when my kids were younger. I get so scared when my six year old swims, because he has no fear .. none at all. He needs some swimming lessons.
I love getting things that help the kids have fun in the pool and yet still be safe! Really cute!
So cute! I can’t wait to spend more time at the pool and beach this summer!
Safety is so important with little ones around a pool. SwimWays has some great floats.
My niece would love these! The family just got a pool in the yard so she is exploring the idea of water. Going to share this with her.
Pool safety is very important to us with our kids, we make sure they have the proper gear and it fits right, and we also make sure we are around at all times. The squiggle squirter looks like a lot of fun! Love how it sends water in all directions.
The Swim ways floating system is great for child because it keeps them balance and able to float all over the pool or lake. My niece has one and she loves it.
These floats look great and so safe for young kids! I love their cute designs!