The one way I’m finding hope in these difficult times

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The news reports, Facebook posts, forwards, text messages being shared over the past few weeks have been nothing short of being overwhelming.

Yes, we are in a time and season like no other. 

But even in all of this, may we never forget that God has not changed. 

We do have hope in these difficult times.

God does not change

Difficult times call for Memorial Stones

This past week I was reminded to take time out to set memorial stones, like Joshua did, around my home. (You can find this in your Bible, in the book of Joshua, chapter 4)

Don’t worry, these memorial stones don’t mean physical rocks but are to be symbolic reminders of what God has done, possibly in the form of Post Its, phone reminders, a memo board, a journal… anything.

hope in difficult times

This word, “EBENEZER“, came to mind. The word reference is found in 1 Samuel 7:12. It means “Thus far the LORD has helped us“.

Now reflect back upon your life on every single thing God has taken you through. 

It’s easy to forget or bury what God has done for us, the way He has shown up for us, the way He has made the impossible possible when we’re discouraged, overwhelmed, scared, and/or worn out.

I was reminded of that line in Psalm 124: “If it had not been for the LORD”

If it had not been for the LORD…

my husband could have died when he fell off the terrace as a young boy.

I could have had a stillbirth when my oldest daughter was born.

my son could have been paralyzed for life or even died, when he jumped out of my husband’s arms, as a 1 year old, at the zoo, and landed head first on the concrete floor.
my husband could have died when no doctor was able to identify he had contracted malaria. A visiting Infectious Disease Specialist walked into his room, on day 3 and immediately knew what needed to be done and treatment was started. 
we could have lost our lives or been severely hurt when we had our car accident on July 4, 2015. Our car was totaled but the kids and I walked away with minor scratches.
hope in difficult times

If it had not been for the LORD.

I am reminded of the big things, the small things, the seemingly unimportant things that God knew were important for me, the impossible things, the time-constrained deadlines…
He showed up.
He didn’t fail me, and He has not failed me yet.
He is Faithful.
He is Able.

There is hope in Christ.

Even in these uncertain, yes difficult times, God can fill your heart with peace and confidence in knowing that He will take you through this season, walking with you every step of the way.
God will never leave you nor forsake you
We all have our stories.
Would you share your “If it had not been for the LORD” story in the comments below?
No story is insignificant.
Your story could make a difference in a person’s day, or even their life.
One way to find HOPE in these difficult times-
I’d love to hear from you. Hop over to chat with me on Facebook and/or Twitter