
The influence of school

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Every night before we go to bed, we all take turns in praying for our loved ones and various needs. It has officially been a week since Bunny girl first started school and the influence is already pretty strong.

Since the past two nights, we have a new drill, thanks to little ‘Miss Preschooler’ . Before one of us start praying, Bunny girl’s little voice pipes up “Whoever wants to pray, must raise up their hand.” The first time this happened Hubby and I found this most hilarious and burst into laughter. Bunny girl was not amused!

We thought after our giggles, we could continue with prayer but the little teacher in the house would have it no other way but the school way! Again she repeated herself, slowly but more emphatically “Whoever wants to pray, must raise up their hand.”

Hubby and I looked at each other and realized Bunny girl meant business! We quietly bowed down our heads , folded our hands for prayer, closed our eyes and slowly my hand went up in request. I didn’t dare open my eyes lest I let out a little giggle and get a time out….I just began to pray but as I did a quiet thought crept up in my head…..”This is only the beginning you have a whole lifetime of school to deal with, so brace yourself for more!


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