Organizing my home with the Brother P-touch Label Maker
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With just about 5 weeks left for our baby girl to arrive, I’ve gone into full blown nesting mode.
It doesn’t help that I have a tiny biggish obsession with tackling a space at a time and breaking things into totes or boxes, theme or focus-wise. And while I like transparent storage totes, I do think the solid color totes look neater even if it means opening out lids to check what the contents in the same are.
To save anyone in the family from wondering what’s in each tote/box, I’ve been organizing each box with labels, thanks to my Brother P-touch PT-H100 label maker.
It helps everyone else at home (and me, several weeks from now) find what has been put where.
Organizing my home with the Brother P-touch Label Maker
My label maker provided some much needed sanity during the holidays and after, once it was time to put all things Christmas themed away.
Another area the labels have come into great use, has been in the kitchen pantry. I’ve finally come to that day when Hubs or my 7 year old can walk upto the pantry and grab a looked for snack, favorite cereal or paper good.
Just this past weekend, I also attacked the closet (after God only knows how many months). The amount of paper that went out for recycling and lost things that were found was not something I can be proud of.
After several hours of sorting, organizing and labeling I can finally say our walk-in closet finally has a place for everything and everything is in its place.
Finally! The way it should have been months ago!!
This week the medicine cabinet and the kids play room is on my to-do list. And no, I won’t be tackling the mess without my handy, easy-to-use, label making helper. I’ve learnt how helpful labeling is while organizing spaces, over the past two months.
Looking for a way to make organizing fun?
Tackle your spaces with a Brother P-touch label maker.
And what’s neat is you can use the label maker for gift bag favors, book labels for school, freezer meals (dish name and date prepared), medicines (with their expiry dates), electronic cabling , files etc.
Organizing my home is always something that I am working on, especially in the New Year. This tool looks like it can help out a lot.
I have an older Brother labeler…they really are such a fun little tool and very useful. Congrats on your upcoming arrival. It must be such an exciting time for you!
Exciting getting ready for a new baby! I got one of the Brother P Touch labellers a few months back. I found it was kind of addicting at first lol But I love it. I label everything now . So easy to use
I have this labeller and it works great! I have labelled so much, makes me realize how disorganized my house was before. Having to open bins and bins to see what was in there etc – what a waste of time! I love labelling!
I really want one of these. I keep seeing reviews of them & they are on my list to buy!
I use our brother p-touch for everything! It’s such a handy tool especially while I’m prepping for spring cleaning!
Oh, I really need one of those. I am so unorganized. Thanks for the info.
You posted at the perfect time! I really need to get some stuff organized in my house for sure. Seems like every closet is overflowing full of junk!
I have been doing a lot of cleaning out and organizing at our house too. I like the Brothers labeler – that would come in really handy for my boxes. I like how you used it on your shelves too. I would also use it to help my kids know which boxes and shelves to put their toys back in when it’s time to clean up. Good luck getting ready for your baby! Hope you’ll get all your organizing done so you can relax.
Organizing my home with this labeler has been so helpful!
I got one of these about a year ago and can’t believe how many different uses I have found for it.
My house would be SO Organized if I had this! I would be able to save so much time by having everything in its place and marked so I could find it! Gotta Get one for Myself. 🙂
OMG – I can’t have one of these for I label everything and my family would totally make fun! lol
I would LOVE to have a label maker. It would make my tape with Sharpie on it so much neater. LOL
That’s a great idea! Thank you! I might be moving, again, and this would be perfect for knowing what is in every box.
They are the best!!! We had one at work and I would always look for excuses to use it!
Looks great, label makers are awesome, mine keeps me super organized especially since we are a big family!
i ADORE my label maker. if only i could do colors with mine. its getting kind of old
This beautiful piece of organizing machinery would do WONDERS for my Etsy jewelry businesses! I’m actually attempting to organize my room/work space currently and have lots of empty storage bins just waiting to be labeled and put away in their rightful spots 🙂
Thank you for the great review and recommendation!
I love label makers. It helps keep everything organized and in my house that is a must.
I’d love to have one so I could do all my scrapbooking drawers. They need labels badly!
I keep seeing these P-Touch Label Machine posts and I’m going to have to break down and buy one. I had one a few years ago that they gave me at work to keep my classrooms organized and they’re amazing. I need one to label all our storage bins and boxes and my craft supplies!
Couldn’t live without my labeler – it makes me feel so organized