Bless a child with your gift of hope through World Vision (+ A $500 Gift Basket Giveaway)
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My family sponsors two children through World Vision. For $39 a month, per child, expenses for that child’s education, food, welfare and other needs, are taken care of, not just for that child but also his/her family. Giving up a few pleasures in a month, allows us to make a life-changing gift into the lives of two families.
Bless a child with your gift of hope through World Vision
This Christmas would you consider sitting down with your family and sharing the mission of hope and love World Vision brings to children, not as fortunate as our own, around the world?
Would you choose to start a new Christmas family tradition this year, to choose a gift that would change the life of another child?
If committing to a monthly contribution towards child sponsorship is hard, consider making a one-time Christmas gift to where it’s needed most, anywhere around the world.
(Do you remember the 1st Giving Christmas Away event we hosted? Thanks to the generosity of several of our readers, we were able to raise $1087 for World Vision. To God be the Glory!)
To thank you for your generosity, World Vision will send you a specially handcrafted gift from a country, around the world, where your monetary gift could make a change.
Based on the amount you donate, you could receive one of the handcrafted gems featured. (The gift catalog has more gifts featured.)
For a gift of $65, you may receive this exquisite wraparound ring made in India
or for a gift of $100, this beautiful charm necklace made by Delhi artisans.
A $100 gift could mean receiving a specially embroidered tote
made mostly by disabled Vietnamese women, who’re using this trade to overcome poverty and become self-dependent in their community.
If $85 is something you can afford, you could receive an elegant, adjustable Shining Bands bracelet from India,
an ornate hand carved soapstone box made by Kenyan artisans or
this infinity scarf made by weavers in Tamil Nadu.
What would make this even more special would be to make your monetary gift to World Vision and gift forward the gift you receive to a friend or even your child’s teacher with a note how their gift is representative of the hope and love sown into a precious life, this Christmas.
As we celebrate the Greatest Gift we could ever receive, God’s precious Son, this Christmas season, World Vision is sharing the love by blessing one reader with a $500 gift basket, holding the beautifully handcrafted gifts featured in this post.
Use the entry form below to be considered eligible to win
Open to US mailing addresses only
Prizing courtesy of World Vision USA
I like to volunteer in the community. Also, we usually have a coat and / or food drive at my work.
I donated and thank you
I donate a clean water well to a village that doesn’t have water. every year. I’m working on the 8th well this year.
I like to help my friends with the holidays in every way I can. Be it babysitting, cooking, with finances where I can, I’m always eager to help.
Wonderful blessings!
WE volunteer our time a lot where we live.
My family gives back to those in need. Donations to salvation Army. Gifts for the Angel tree program. We donate to families in need of food for the Seahawker food drive. Toy for tots. That is our way of giving Love back!
We donate to a homeless shelter.
I donate to toy drives. This year my son’s class ‘adopted’ a family for Christmas and we sent toys in.
I donate to a local no kill animal shelter, and try to bring gifts for all the animals each Christmas.
I give out new toys for the toy drive in my community.
We donate a lot. We give to goodwill and the local library.
I like to donate dog food to the local animal shelter. I also donate food to the food bank.
I like to volunteer in the community by serving Christmas dinner at church
We donate toys to the local shelter
One thing I do is purchase the pre-made food bags at the grocery store that go to our local food bank.
i donate toys for the children.