When your actions, as a parent, speak louder than words

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Have you noticed how children are like sponges that absorb everything they see and hear around them? Most often, than not, you will catch them mimicking the not so nice bits.

When your actions, as a parent, speak louder than words

When your actions, as a parent, speak louder than words


I always expect my children to be respectful of each other and for the older sibling(s) to correct the younger one(s) in love and with gentleness. I’m ashamed to admit that I have heard firmer tones of correction being passed down along the line at times and a quiet voice reminds me that they’re just imitating the way I correct them when I’m caught doing ten things at one time or when I’m really tired.

Earlier, last week, during the M.O.P.S. Bible Study I shared with the ladies that my heart’s desire is for my children to see Christ in me. I want them to grow up desiring to mimic my parenting style when they’re parents. I don’t want to be that Mom who can quote Scripture, pray, teach Sunday School and yet be so far from the image of serenity and love in my home.

It’s scary how putting that down in words corresponds completely with 1 Corinthians 13: 1,2

Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing.

As a parent, is this something you struggle with?



  1. Actions definitely speak louder than words in most situations. I always try to think of that when it comes to my kids.

  2. I agree that actions speak louder than words. I try to set a good example for my son. He is 4 years old now and it’s tough to be the perfect parent, but I always try to have positive actions to show good behavior so that it doesn’t seem like empty words.

  3. I love this post. All the words in the world mean nothing next to what we do. The way we live affects how our kids live.

  4. It is important to remember that our kids will copy what they see us do and how we behave. It can be hard to keep that in mind at times.

  5. It is something I struggle with. It is something that I work on very hard

    1. Me too! Parenting isn’t as easy as some people think! You have to be a good role model 24×7

  6. I am constantly teaching my children that actions speak louder than words. I am not quite sure they understand it just yet.

  7. Actions most definitely speak louder than words. Although far from perfect, I have always tried to lead by example for my son.

  8. I said this to my daughter the other day about the way she treated her siblings. Not sure they understand yet, but we’ll keep working on it.

  9. Sometimes. The other day my little one asked me to watch what she was doing. I said okay, but kept writing my post. She looked so hurt… i felt horrible. Bad mom moment

    1. Or when you “think” you need to check that important message on your phone. Sigh! Been there. Done that. You are not alone!! 🙁

  10. I have a really hard time balancing time with my kids and my work load. It’s a delicate balance, and it’s easy to get swallowed by work.

  11. So very true Actions do speak louder than words. Words mean nothing if we don’t back them up with actions.

  12. You are SO RIGHT!! I work hard to show love through actions and try and keep my voice down when I am mad (and say the right thing)!

  13. I agree, actions always speak louder than words. You can tell your children there will be consequences, but they will never believe you unless they see it happen.

  14. I’m sure we’ve all made mistakes in this regard. We’re human, but if we’re aware of that, we probably make a much bigger effort to do better.

  15. Oh for sure – all the time too. Great message and reminder, we do need to recall quotes like this, so much gets lost or forgotten in the chaos of life.

  16. This is a wonderful post, and so needed. It’s easy to forget in our hectic day to day that we are the single biggest influence in our children’s lives. They learn everything from us.

  17. You’ve really got to watch yourself around kids. They mimic everything – good and bad.

  18. I think every parent need to remember this. I know we all have those omgosh pillow in the face screaming moments.

  19. When my niece and nephew were young, my sister had to constantly police everything she did and said. Those kids copied EVERYTHING she did.

  20. I’ve always felt like children’s behavior is a direct reflection on their parents’ behavior. It’s our job to teach our kids how to be loving, caring, understanding members of society.

  21. It is very true that kids mimic there parents. I used to have to remind myself to be careful what i was saying kids pick up swear words very easily.

  22. yes you are right. and I am a parent who has caught myself many times. I have seen my almost 9 year old scream at the 2 year old and I am thinking “why does she think that’s ok behavior?” Because she saw me do it… I have a daily struggle to remind myself to watch my tone and find other ways to discipline.

  23. I think this is something all parents struggle with. It’s easy to say and show kids that they should do as we say NOT as we do. But being aware of it can really help parents be better about this.

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