
Organize Your Car

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Ask any parent with young kids and you will always hear the same thing…my car’s a mess, the kids have been snacking in it again. I don’t know a single parent who drives a spotless clean car, both on the insides and outsides!

Here are a few ways you can avoid driving in a mess-filled car.

Organize your car

Organize Your Car

As we spend more and more time in our vehicles, keeping them clean and organized becomes a must. A clean and organized vehicle is not only more efficient, but also safer and makes for a better commute and driving experience.

When thinking about organizing your vehicle, you may want to remember these 4 areas.SORT, SANITIZE, STORE, SAFE. 

1. SORT: The first thing you will want to do is de-clutter your car. Pull everything out. That includes car mats, CDs, and all other items located in your car that are not bolted down or secured. Start with a clean and empty area. You may be surprised how many things you have in your vehicle that you don’t need or didn’t even know you had. Throw away anything that is not a necessary item needed in your vehicle. Don’t overlook the…
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