Learning to be Fearless in the Unexpected.
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This feature has been brought to you in partnership with the #LiveFearless program, inspiring you to be bold, brave, brilliant and…fearless.
Dottie was born 4 years into our marriage and at the time I was the International Business Development Manager at a leading national print organization in India. I would work long hours and at times was required to travel for business commitments that took me as far as Frankfurt, Germany. I knew she would be okay as we had a full-time nanny and my husband’s family lived a hop, skip and a jump away.
A few months after her birth, Hubby accepted an offer in Texas and moved to America. The move was something we were excited about but it also meant starting from scratch, making new friends, being hundreds of miles away from family and learning the lay of the land. Both of us also agreed, when Dottie and I finally joined him close to a year later, I would stay home with her and not put her in a daycare.
Learning to be Fearless in the Unexpected
The months leading to our move to the U.S. was filled with joy-filled anticipation, it was only after Dottie and I joined Hubby that I realized I couldn’t have been more unprepared.
Dottie and I were restricted to our apartment because I hadn’t taken the driving test. A few weeks after our arrival, Hubby fell ill and was hospitalized with a strain of malaria. The doctors were unsure of what to do till a few days down the line when a Tropical Disease Specialist walked in (he was God sent, I have no doubt about it!), immediately diagnosed what he had and in a few days he was back home. (Because I didn’t have a U.S. driving license at the time I couldn’t go to the hospital. Thank God for friends of my husband that made sure they visited him twice a day and took him home cooked food
Few months later, Dottie contracted RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) and gave us quite the scare. Prolonged nebulization treatments and the loss of trust in the pediatrician we had been going to, made us feel like moving was not such a great decision after all.
Thankfully we had begun attending a local church and made friends with an incredibly sweet family with a son around Dottie’s age. They introduced us to two more families who had kids around the same age so we began to spend time with each as often as we could. The ladies became my support group, my mini cheerleaders, the ones I would turn to for advice because Dottie was one of the youngest.
One evening, one of the ladies turned around and told me that being a stay at home mom was a blessing, an investment into the life of my child. It was at that moment that something inside me changed. A peace filled my heart and a new found drive to do something beautiful with the time I had with her, till she started preschool, was birthed.
It was during one of our dinners that the idea of starting a blog was jokingly thrown across my way because I was always carrying my camera around, taking photographs of Dottie for our family back home. I went home that night and googled what it meant to start a blog and naively started Energizer Bunnies’ Mommy Reports. Today the blog, which eventually rebranded to what you now know as Mommy Snippets, has been growing in a way I would never, in my wildest of dreams, expected it to .
I reflect back amazed…
and humbled.
Facing the unexpected would have been terrifying if it had not been for my faith in trusting God to bring me through that season in my life.
Today if you ask me, I will tell you being a stay at home mom is one of the biggest blessings in my life. Uncertainty, fear and lack of belonging in a country far away from loved ones and friends has now been replaced by the assurance of being at home, a sense of purpose and fulfillment.
Life brings along the unexpected and you have the choice to sit down, pout and complain about what you have to go through, or you have the choice to get up and take that step of faith believing that it will all work out. Make the choice to #LiveFearless. Be inspired by these stories of hope, determination, courage and faith. And get ready for the ride of your lifetime…
learning to be fearless in the unexpected.
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