There are those days!!!!

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Wish I could say I am the Mommy I really want to be but I am miles away from that. There are a few Mommy traits that really need to explode big time within me. Primary one being patience….whew! I need work on that BIG TIME!!!

Despite all my Mommy flaws, my precious little darling loves me just the way I am and that means the world to me. (The ultimate reward of being a Mommy!!) There are those special moments when my little one just wraps her arms around my neck(considering that’s the only part of my body her arms actually get all the way around)and says “I love you Mama”…….sigh….that makes me want to be a Mommy 365 days of the year, 24 hours of a day, without even a tea break! (I prefer tea to coffee!!) Or those moments after I’ve vented my steam and stomped off and a little voice calls “I have an idea, lets play a game”, forgetting that Mommy was in a bad mood.

I honestly think God gave us children to form us into the people we need to be in Him. There is so much I have learnt in these 3 years and I know there’s an encyclopedia of stuff left to be learnt in the years to come.

Like that Sunday school song says

“He’s still working on me to make me what I ought to be.
It took Him just a week to make the moon and stars,
The sun and the earth and Jupiter and Mars.
How loving and patient He must be, He’s still working on me.

There really ought to be a sign upon the heart,
Don’t judge here yet, there’s an unfinished part.
But I’ll be perfect just according to His plan
Fashioned by the Master’s loving hands.”

There are those days…..but He’s still working on me.