Why is flossing important for kids?
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A good number of dentists tell children it’s important to brush twice daily to ensure they maintain a healthy dental hygiene routine. But brushing ones teeth only does half the work.
Why is flossing important for kids?
There are a number of hard to reach spots between the teeth and gums that tend to collect small amounts of food particles that eventually build up to form plaque, which in turn forms tartar, a thick deposit that can only be cleaned by a dental professional. If tartar is left without any intervention, it will cause gingivitis, gum disease, cavities and tooth infection. That’s where flossing comes in and has an important role to play to avoid all this.
By the age of 5, a child should floss at least once a day, to make it a regular part of his dental hygiene routine.
Plackers has neat, dual grip, angled head flossers that make it easier for a child to hold onto and grip while flossing. The Hi-Tech, fluoride flossers have a fruit smoothie flavoring making it a favorite over overwhelmingly minty flavors in regular flossers.
It’s also important for children to learn at a young age to keep any dental hygiene aids being used, in clean, moisture free areas in the bathroom. Most often than not floss is placed near the sink and runs the risk of getting wet even while in the packet. To prevent this from happening place flossers in one of Plackers’ Flosser Friends.This sweet monkey shaped flosser holder comes prepackaged with 35 flossers but can hold at least 50 odd flossers in the same comfortably.
The monkey’s head attaches firmly onto the body and the child opens the mouth to pull out a flosser at a time for use, during his dental hygiene routine each day.
Not only does the monkey Flosser Friend make a cute addition to the bathroom sink but most importantly does its part of keeping the flossers clean and dry for daily use.
If flossing is made to be a fun routine for young children, it won’t be a chore as they grow older, thereby paving the way to a great set of healthy teeth.
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